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The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday of the Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

St. Henry

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Hosea 11:1-4, 8e-9
Psalm 80:2ac and 3b, 15-16
Matthew 10:7-15

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

The Son of Man was a good teacher for His disciples, right down to the last detail!

In the gospel of today, Christ is teaching His disciples how to prepare and act as they go from village to village, carrying the Good News. He even talks about where they should stay, what to wear and what to eat. Christ is also giving that message to us.

Though most of us do not go evangelizing in the same manner as did the disciples in the day of Christ, we do have the same responsibility to build up the kingdom of God. We co-operate in the mission of God.

One of the main messages that Christ imparted was that the disciples travel with a light load. The gospel refers to clothing and material items, but we might think about that “light load” for us. Perhaps it means that we approach another person in need of spiritual input without burdening them with our own load, including references to endless books and devotions. The message of Christ is profound, yet simple and direct. We need not complicate it for others. We meet them wherever they are on their journey with Christ and walk with them, gifting them primarily with our presence and a message of peace. If we are open to the Spirit, He will handle the rest!

- Joan of Jesus,
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)


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