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The Catholic Calendar for Monday, August 21, 2006
Monday of the Twentieth Week in Ordinary Time

St. Pius X, pope

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Ezekiel 24:15-23
Deuteronomy 32:18-19, 20, 21
Matthew 19:16-22

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

Throughout the Bible we see Jerusalem as a central focus of the Jewish people. King David built the house of the King on Mt. Zion, and Solomon finished the Temple on the same hill. In today's first reading Ezekiel warns the people that the city of Jerusalem will be destroyed. How and why would God let such a thing happen? This city, which is the stronghold of their pride, the delight of the eyes and the desire of their soul.
(Ezekiel 24:20) Unfortunately, during the time of Ezekiel the people separated themselves from God through their sin. This separation, preventing God from being part of their lives, denied God the pleasure and joy of a father taking care of his children. Therefore, because they have chosen sin and not God, they will lose what is dear and rot away. (Ezekiel 24:23)

Probably the young man in the Gospel learned in the synagogues, by hearing about the prophets like Ezekiel, how important it was to be close to God for one’s eternal salvation. Being a good man, he asked Jesus what he should do to obtain eternal life. Much to his delight he found that he was doing the necessary basics, and yet, something in him longed to be even closer to God. Jesus informed him that the only way he could obtain this was to sell everything.
(see Matthew 19:21) Sadness filled him with the disappointment of his lack of humility and courage to do as Jesus asked of him. We, like the young man, are asked to give up our stronghold of pride, our delight of our eyes and our desires of our souls. By doing this we leave our hearts wide open so that they will be filled with Our Lord, enabling Him to help us like a good father would do in our pilgrimage and to obtain eternal life.

- Danielle


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