The Catholic Calendar for Sunday, August 6, 2006
The Transfiguration of the Lord
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Psalm 97:1-2, 5-6, 9
2 Peter 1:16-19
Mark 9:2-10
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Today we are invited to consider one of the most remarkable events in the Gospels--the shining forth of God's glory in Jesus in the presence of three of his close disciples, Peter, James, and John. There are heavenly witnesses to this event as well--Isaiah the Prophet and Moses the Lawgiver. Finally, the ultimate endorsement is given by God the Father Himself, who voice thunders from the heavens, "This is my Beloved Son; hear Him!"
We tend to be as overwhelmed by this event as were the disciples. Yet, our reflection elicits many conclusions. Among them, I would suggest the following for our consideration:
1) Jesus' person, His preaching, and His actions, are all inescapably connected to the Hebrew Scriptures, including the Law and the Prophets. They are a fulfillment of all that God planned from the beginning. As God turned the sin of Adam and Eve into greater good for His children then, so He can do at the present time.
2) Behind everyday appearances, there is deeper divine meaning hidden just below the surface. Ordinary life, containing so much drabness, suffering, and ugliness, even now by God's providential power, contains splendor, glory, and beauty.
3) As the Transfiguration showed us the true beauty of Jesus; so too, all of those joined with Jesus through faith, hope, and love, are even now beautiful in God's eyes, a beauty to be fully visible after our death.
O Jesus, thank you for showing us your glory, beauty, and power. Help us to believe in our own dignity in your eyes now and at the hour of our death. Amen.
Msgr. Paul Whitmore
(pwhitmore29 at yahoo dot com)
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posted by joachim at 4:40 AM