The Catholic Calendar for Thursday, August 31, 2006
Thursday of the Twenty-first Week in Ordinary Time
Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Corinthians 1:1-9
Psalm 145:2-3, 4-5, 6-7
Matthew 24:42-51
A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
The first reading and gospel for today are quite direct. In the reading from Paul, he is reminding the Corinthians, but one could say us also, that we have been very blessed with the numerous spiritual gifts given us by God. In fact Paul said we are not lacking in any spiritual gift. For us, that would presuppose that we had taken the wonderful opportunities to receive the sacraments as taught and made available by the Church.
On a personal note, years ago at a workshop our group was asked to take magic markers and make individual roadmaps of our lives and note on the map the people and places that made changes in our spiritual lives. When asked to do so it seemed quite an elementary exercise, but actually was quite enlightening and reassuring for all of us. It showed us the consistent, gentle hand of God constantly enriching our lives.
The gospel reminds us that those gifts are not for us to wallow in, but rather to use in the service of all. We do not know the time and place when we will be called to be accountable to the God who gave us these gifts. This is one report card that we want to look good! Now, to continue our "homework," or should we say the work of building up the Kingdom of God.
- Joan of Jesus, OCDS
(jmurphy at utica dot edu)
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posted by joachim at 4:48 AM