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The Catholic Calendar for Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Tuesday of the Twenty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time

St. Januarius, bishop and martyr

Scripture from today's Liturgy of the Word:
1 Corinthians 12:12-14, 27-31a
Psalm 100:1b-2, 3, 4, 5
Luke 7:11-17

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:

In today’s Gospel we see a side of Jesus that reveals His sensitivity toward those who suffer and mourn. It is a story about how Jesus came upon the funeral procession of a young man, the only son of the widow of Naim. The Gospel story gives us no information about Jesus having any real acquaintance with the widow and we get the impression that He just happened upon the scene.

In our own experiences, we may, like Jesus, suddenly witness the suffering of a stranger, but most of us would probably admit that we are only briefly moved by seeing the sadness and loss of others.

We see with Jesus that was not the case. He is never just casually touched, but always profoundly touched. He doesn’t pass by as if another’s sadness has nothing to do with Him, but responds instead, like it has everything to do with Him.

“Do not cry,” He tells the sorrowing mother and then extends His healing hand and revives what was lost and dead.

This is what we need to remember, that it is always that way with Jesus. No moment of sadness goes unnoticed, no moment of trial unappreciated or unattended.

Let us pray. Please Lord, give us faith that we may always trust in Your caring presence. Let my often-deaf and inattentive ears hear, as the grieving widow of Naim heard your loving voice, bidding us not to cry, but to believe. Amen.

- Donna Nelson,
(drn3rd at hughes dot net)


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